- 384,613 total downloads
- last updated 1/28/2025
- Latest version: 9.0.1
The Cuemon namespace contains fundamental types such as value and reference types, factories and utility classes, interfaces, attributes and feature rich delegates that support functional programming on a whole... More information -
by: gimlichaelIO - 246,863 total downloads
- last updated 1/28/2025
- Latest version: 9.0.1
The Cuemon.IO namespace contains types primarily focusing on configuration options for IO related operations. The namespace is an addition to the System.IO namespace. -
- 218,029 total downloads
- last updated 1/28/2025
- Latest version: 9.0.1
The Cuemon.Threading namespace contains types related to working with long-running concurrent loops and regions that utilizes both synchronous and asynchronous delegates. The namespace is an addition to the... More information -
- 158,384 total downloads
- last updated 1/28/2025
- Latest version: 9.0.1
The Cuemon.Diagnostics namespace contains types that provide ways for developers to describe exceptions including evidence to why an operation faulted. Also includes a flexible, generic and lambda friendly way... More information -
- 156,959 total downloads
- last updated 1/28/2025
- Latest version: 9.0.1
The Cuemon.AspNetCore namespace contains types focusing on providing means for easier plumber coding in the ASP.NET Core pipeline while serving some nice of the shell concrete implementation as well. The... More information -
- 143,307 total downloads
- last updated 1/28/2025
- Latest version: 9.0.1
The Cuemon.Data.Integrity namespace contains types that provide ways for developers to determine and maintain integrity of data that is normally associated with an entity/resource. -
- 115,353 total downloads
- last updated 1/28/2025
- Latest version: 9.0.1
The Cuemon.Security.Cryptography namespace contains types related to cryptographic hashing (both keyed and non-keyed) and a ready-to-use implementation of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) symmetric... More information -
- 91,009 total downloads
- last updated 1/28/2025
- Latest version: 9.0.1
The Cuemon.AspNetCore,Mvc namespace contains types that specializes in cache expiration and validation models and an abundant range of ready-to-use filters in the ASP.NET Core MVC pipeline. The namespace is an... More information -
by: gimlichaelXml - 73,853 total downloads
- last updated 1/28/2025
- Latest version: 9.0.1
The Cuemon.Xml namespace contains types related to encoding, converting and serialization. The included lightweight XML serializer framework offers same flexibility as the one provided by the JSON equivalent... More information -
- 60,708 total downloads
- last updated 1/28/2025
- Latest version: 9.0.1
The Cuemon.Runtime.Caching namespace contains types related to interfaces for generic caching in applications while providing a concrete in-memory cache implementation named SlimMemoryCache. The namespace is an... More information -
by: gimlichaelNet - 60,518 total downloads
- last updated 1/28/2025
- Latest version: 9.0.1
The Cuemon.Net namespace contains types that provides a simple programming interface for HTTP and SMTP protocols. The namespace is an addition to the System.Net namespace. -
- 50,491 total downloads
- last updated 8/4/2024
- Latest version: 8.3.2
The Cuemon.Extensions.Newtonsoft.Json namespace contains both types and extension methods that complements the Newtonsoft.Json namespace by adding new ways of working with JSON; both in terms of serialization... More information -
- 48,658 total downloads
- last updated 1/28/2025
- Latest version: 9.0.1
The Cuemon.Extensions.DependencyInjection namespace contains extension methods that complements the Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection namespace. -
- 42,709 total downloads
- last updated 1/28/2025
- Latest version: 9.0.1
The Cuemon.Extensions namespace contains extension methods that complements the Cuemon namespace while being an addition to the System namespace. -
- 40,215 total downloads
- last updated 8/4/2024
- Latest version: 8.3.2
The Cuemon.Extensions.Xunit namespace contains types that provides a uniform way of doing unit testing. The namespace relates to the Xunit.Abstractions namespace. -
- 39,445 total downloads
- last updated 8/4/2024
- Latest version: 8.3.2
The Cuemon.Extensions.AspNetCore.Mvc.Formatters.Newtonsoft.Json namespace contains both types and extension methods that complements both the... More information -
- 38,785 total downloads
- last updated 8/4/2024
- Latest version: 8.3.2
The Cuemon.Extensions.Xunit.Hosting namespace contains types that provides a uniform way of doing unit testing used in conjunction with Microsoft Dependency Injection. The namespace relates to the... More information -
- 37,735 total downloads
- last updated 1/28/2025
- Latest version: 9.0.1
The Cuemon.Extensions.Data.Integrity namespace contains extension methods that complements the Cuemon.Data.Integrity namespace. -
- 37,573 total downloads
- last updated 1/28/2025
- Latest version: 9.0.1
The Cuemon.AspNetCore.Authentication namespace contains types that enable support for authentication using the concept of an Authenticator, AuthorizationHeader and (to tie the knots) an... More information -
- 37,201 total downloads
- last updated 1/28/2025
- Latest version: 9.0.1
The Cuemon.Extensions.Reflection namespace contains extension methods that complements the Cuemon.Reflection namespace while being an addition to the System.Reflection namespace.
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