- 30,334 total downloads
- last updated 2/8/2016
- Latest version:
Msbuild task for auto generating CpsDBHelper's data-access code from a Sql dbproject (SSDT), it ONLY works with vs' dbproject -
by: djsxp- 25,066 total downloads
- last updated 2/5/2016
- Latest version:
Useful Utilities and Extensions for daily .Net programming -
- 22,052 total downloads
- last updated 2/3/2016
- Latest version:
An advanced text based replacing-template engine designed for using simplified dictionary input -
by: djsxp- 21,170 total downloads
- last updated 5/17/2024
- Latest version:
Chain-styled Sql DB Helper -
- 6,793 total downloads
- last updated 11/2/2015
- Latest version:
Msbuild task for Syntax checking against "Templator"'s text template -
by: djsxp- 6,723 total downloads
- last updated 3/29/2020
- Latest version:
A simple enumerator for CSV files, output it as a table like 2 dimension list for further analysing -
by: djsxp- 3,118 total downloads
- last updated 8/14/2015
- Latest version: 1.0.0
A simple package includes sqlserver smo and dacpac service, to handle SqlInstance/LocalDB database creation/deletion/cleanup, and deployment with dacpac from a SSDT project, useful in deployment handling and... More information -
- 2,740 total downloads
- last updated 4/7/2021
- Latest version: 2.0.0
CpsDbHelper(Chain-styled Sql DB Helper)'s postgres extension, using npgsql as underlying provider -
- 1,001 total downloads
- last updated 2/7/2021
- Latest version: 0.0.3
An AOP compile time code generator -
- 614 total downloads
- last updated 3/29/2020
- Latest version: 1.0.0
Simple CSV parsing tool, to convert a csv file into a 2 dimension array as rows and columns for easy enumerating.