
    • 544,922 total downloads
    • last updated 9/15/2014
    • Latest version: 1.0.0
    • stylecop
    Forces the Style cop warnings to appear as errors while building.
  • JsonPoke and JsonPeek build tasks: Usage : JSON Poke: 1. <JsonPoke JsonInputPath="$(MSBuildProjectDirectory)\Project.json" JValue="Empty-FromTest1" JPath="Project.Name"> </JsonPoke> 2 a. <JsonPoke... More information
  • Adds Karma and Grunt scripts to your project and runs the Javascript unit test as part of the build. One needs to add the test files inside TestScripts Folder. Add references to source js files in... More information
    • 20,276 total downloads
    • last updated 11/13/2014
    • Latest version: 1.0.5
    • EventSource ETW
    This MSBuild task generates documentation for Events in a ETW EventSource class. This can combine event method comments like summary and resolution to helps Operations take action on the events. /// <summary>... More information
    • 8,711 total downloads
    • last updated 1/18/2016
    • Latest version: 1.0.7
    • resx js
    Converts the resx files in the project to corresponding .js files.
    • 3,923 total downloads
    • last updated 8/20/2015
    • Latest version: 1.0.2
    • resx loc
    Converts the resx files in the project to pseudo-loc resx file. lcid and lang name, eg : qps-ploc and 0501
    • 3,395 total downloads
    • last updated 12/2/2014
    • Latest version: 1.0.1
    • resx json
    Converts the resx files in the project to corresponding .json files. The JSON will also contain the lcid and lang name, eg : en-us and 1033
    • 2,092 total downloads
    • last updated 11/20/2014
    • Latest version: 1.0.1
    • OctopusDeploy
    Exports your octopus deploy project as JSON and masks the time and other passwords.