- 141,162 total downloads
- last updated 6/24/2011
- Latest version:
This is a clone of the original stateless repository (owned by Nicholas Blumhardt), compiled for .NET 4.0. Stateless is a base for exploration of generic and functional programming to drive workflow in .NET.... More information -
- 17,881 total downloads
- last updated 7/17/2019
- Latest version: 0.8.1
Backed by LibGit2Sharp, and Octokit.NET, this library simplifies a few common git-related actions that are commonly used in CI processes such as fetching/cloning remote repositories, and opening github... More information -
by: joelmartinez kyann- 7,816 total downloads
- last updated 4/22/2013
- Latest version: 0.1.0
nBayes (based on Paul Graham's spam filter) makes it easy to introduce statistics based decision making into your application. Whether it's spam filtering, or something else like artificial intelligence... More information -
by: joelmartinez-
- 4,207 total downloads
- last updated 7/17/2019
- Latest version: 0.2.3
Backed by GitmoSharp, this CLI simplifies a few common git-related actions that are commonly used in CI processes such as opening github pull requests (after some local processing). -