- Deprecated
- 27,576 total downloads
- last updated 1/3/2021
- Latest version: 1.3.0
An XmlSlurper implementation for .Net. -
- 17,687 total downloads
- last updated 6/3/2024
- Latest version: 2.3.4
Zoro is a data masking and anonymization library for dotnet. The library can be used both in a dotnet standard 2.1 library and also as a command line utility. You can copy the tools directory to... More information -
- 1,574 total downloads
- last updated 10/13/2024
- Latest version: 2.0.5
An XmlSlurper implementation in .Net for Xml and Json. -
- 867 total downloads
- last updated 4/17/2024
- Latest version: 1.0.6
A .net string search library that allows for mistakes ("fuzzy") that can work for substrings. Produces a 0-100 match number.