- 105,911 total downloads
- last updated 5/19/2017
- Latest version:
This tool helps you to view FechXML result easly and efficently, and can export it as well to Excel file, or even simple excel file -
- 70,938 total downloads
- last updated 5/26/2017
- Latest version: 1.0.0
This tool helps you to view your entity components (Attributes, Processes, Relations and even security rules) easly and efficently and download Assemblies or processes, and can export it as well to Excel file,... More information -
- 22,458 total downloads
- last updated 6/3/2020
- Latest version: 1.20.603.1
This tool will help you to check your FetchXML results easly :) 1- You can run FetchXML query and show results into a clear view grid. 2- You can convert and run a SQL Select statment on CRM directly. 3-... More information -