yasikovsky.AspNetCoreTemplate 1.1.1

dotnet new install yasikovsky.AspNetCoreTemplate::1.1.1
This package contains a .NET Template Package you can call from the shell/command line.

ASP.NET Core API & Worker template

What is this?

This is a template you can use to quickly create a multiplatform ASP.NET Core 6 application that runs an API server and a worker process as two projects under one solution. It also features fully configured packages that I use the most when developing ASP.NET apps, which are:

Also has a bunch of extension methods and useful methods I've written over the years and come back to all the time:

  • Custom Database Gateway service for Database queries with dependency injection
  • Custom PostgreSQL Database resolver for Dapper.SimpleCRUD
  • Custom Dapper type handlers for Enums (generic), List<Guid>, List<string>, List<int>, RoleType and object (serialized to JSON)
  • Role and Claim support with RequireRole and RequireClaim attributes that work with controllers and also generate Swagger annotations
  • FilterModel and SqlFilterAttribute classes that help translate data request models with filters and sorting to database queries with joins across multiple tables
  • solution-wide appsettings.json and appsettings.[environment].json to set-up config files once and share them between the API and Worker projects



  1. Install the template nuget package:
dotnet new --install yasikovsky.AspNetCoreTemplate
  1. Navigate to your empty project folder
  2. Create a project files using the template

With example values:

dotnet new yaspnet

Or with your own options:

dotnet new yaspnet --ProjectName "MyProject" --DbHostname "" --DbPort "5432" --DbDatabase "mydatabase" --DbUsername "myusername" --DbPassword "mypassword" --GitHubOrgName "my-org-name"


1.0 - Initial release

1.1 - Added:

  • Dockerfiles
  • Preconfigured Docker-compose.yaml file with example environment variable file
  • Github Actions runner to publish Docker packages to GitHub package repository when creating new release (important to tag them in the vX.X.X format)
  • PasswordSalt is now a random UUID
  • JwtAuthSecret is now two joined random UUIDs

Future improvements

Docker support will be coming soon™.

  • net6.0

    • No dependencies.

NuGet packages

This package is not used by any NuGet packages.

GitHub repositories

This package is not used by any popular GitHub repositories.

Version Downloads Last updated
1.1.1 551 1/22/2022
1.0.0 442 1/18/2022