WX_UtileTool License Info


Support for library usage protocols
Article 1. All Copyrights and intellectual property rights of this support library belong to the author himself.
Article 2. The software is authorized to call the internal calculation methods and algorithms of the support library to complete the corresponding business logic.
Article 3. You can use this support library to complete your business projects.
Article 4. You may not use any means to obtain the internal source code of the support library, including (using reverse engineering tools such as DNSpy to obtain the source code of the program) and copy it to other projects or programs for commercial use.
Article 5. If you violate the content mentioned in Article 3 of this Agreement, we will hold you accountable and charge you 5% of the revenue generated by your commercial application as the corresponding cost for the operation, maintenance and support of the development team.
Article 6. You will be able to use this Support Library to use any project area without violating the provisions of Article 3 of this Agreement.
Article 7. This support library only provides calculation and use results, and it has certain use risks. If there is any problem in the use process, you shall bear it by yourself.
Article 8. You or your company will bear the consequences and losses arising from all the operations you perform in the support library.
Article 9. The use of this support library is at risk. Please carefully evaluate whether to use this support library.Any problems or risks caused by this support library in your project will be at your own risk.
Article 10. If you find any bugs in the framework itself during use, you can contact us by phone (+8613883969835 - Mr. Jiang) or Email (herees@outlook.com).
Article 11. The author reserves the right of final interpretation of this Agreement.

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