Unity3D.Interpolate... 1.0.0 License Info

Unity3D.Interpolate.NetStandard2 1.0.0

 * Interpolation utility functions: easing, bezier, and catmull-rom.
 * Consider using Unity's Animation curve editor and AnimationCurve class
 * before scripting the desired behaviour using this utility.
 * Interpolation functionality available at different levels of abstraction.
 * Low level access via individual easing functions (ex. EaseInOutCirc),
 * Bezier(), and CatmullRom(). High level access using sequence generators,
 * NewEase(), NewBezier(), and NewCatmullRom().
 * Sequence generators are typically used as follows:
 * IEnumerable<Vector3> sequence = Interpolate.New[Ease|Bezier|CatmulRom](configuration);
 * foreach (Vector3 newPoint in sequence) {
 *   transform.position = newPoint;
 *   yield return WaitForSeconds(1.0f);
 * }
 * Or:
 * IEnumerator<Vector3> sequence = Interpolate.New[Ease|Bezier|CatmulRom](configuration).GetEnumerator();
 * function Update() {
 *   if (sequence.MoveNext()) {
 *     transform.position = sequence.Current;
 *   }
 * }
 * The low level functions work similarly to Unity's built in Lerp and it is
 * up to you to track and pass in elapsedTime and duration on every call. The
 * functions take this form (or the logical equivalent for Bezier() and CatmullRom()).
 * transform.position = ease(start, distance, elapsedTime, duration);
 * For convenience in configuration you can use the Ease(EaseType) function to
 * look up a concrete easing function:
 *  [SerializeField]
 *  Interpolate.EaseType easeType; // set using Unity's property inspector
 *  Interpolate.Function ease; // easing of a particular EaseType
 * function Awake() {
 *   ease = Interpolate.Ease(easeType);
 * }
 * @author Fernando Zapata (fernando@cpudreams.com)
 * @Traduzione Andrea85cs (andrea85cs@dynematica.it)